Sunday, January 20, 2019

Catmon Church Incomprehensible Journey

Our Church Incomprehensible Journey

Not long ago, the Church of Catmon was subjected to a renovation; I guess that was during the time of Fr. Sindulfo Iriarte. The renovation was spearheaded by the Association of Catmonanon Elsewhere or ACE for short. Their mission was to expose the hidden beauty of our Church and provide a significant improvement without ruining important original features, such as the stained glass windows with different religious design, and the once upon a time exquisite chandeliers hanging from the extraordinary wooden trusses.  

They got rid of the ceiling cover when they found out the gem behind, as you can see right now the original trusses and etc. made of uncut lumber of a kind of wood which you cannot avail nowadays.

They scraped off the cement finishing of the wall to expose this peculiar material commonly used by the Augustinian recollects building the walls of their churches during the time period. These materials are now scarce and hard to quarry by blocks; therefore it is almost impossible to build new structures using the same materials and methods these days. Coral stones as I was made to believe are the materials our Church was built upon. Yes, Coral Stones!

After the renovation the Church stand at its grandeur, the naked wooden trusses in the ceiling and the naked coral stone walls speak of the almost two century’s old edifice. So beautiful, so mesmerizing!

Just recently the Church Altar was renovated. The ceiling was redesigned and the whole altar was painted with different colors and lights extravagantly mounted, seems a disco pub.
This holy place is the house of God. A place of worship. Jesus was a simple man, he lived among the poor. He is the opposite of extravagance. During the last supper, Jesus used a simple cup and plate made of baked clay, or may be of stone, or of wood. Certainly not made of gold or silver. Today, Priests use a chalice made not just of any metal but gold or silver. Jesus was poor. Priests are rich. The RCC has billions of dollars in their coffer. Reality contradicts the scripture.

“Give your riches to the poor, come and follow me.” Think!

Let’s go back to our parish Church before I get carried away. I am not sure if during or before the time of our current Priest Father Gil those angels proudly standing above two opposing columns before the steps to the altar were taken down. Destroyed, trashed out, or sold? IDK!? Who was responsible? Honestly, IHNI. But the thing is somebody obliterated a more than century old effigies. Those effigies were part of our history, part of our house of God. Part of our parish. Part of what we are, who we are.
Every time a new cleric is assign, a new project would spring out. This is a sign that we are progressing. Progress is good. But let it be a progress without destruction. Do not destroy anything from a Church almost two centuries old. Do not take away something. Make this progress a factor for addition. Each project concept must be a new addition, never subtraction. Destroying the old to give way for the new one is idiotic. If you need to destroy the old to facilitate the new… please forget it, it’s not worth it!

Another project geared towards “Enhancement” of the Church Interior starting with the altar, I guess is already in progress. The Church people are appealing for your generosity to realize the project. The enhancement proposal is beautiful but excessive. They posted only pictures, no BOQ/bill of quantities. I asked Mec if he can post a BOM/bill of materials, at least from this we can generate a general idea about the project, but to no avail.
I pray that this is a preservation and enhancement project, nothing is to be destroyed.

If you are interested to donate or contribute, please contact the Church people.

God Bless!

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